Department of Dutch Studies - Eötvös Loránd University


 (machine translated!)

General information

We recommend the Dutch Studies Minor Programme to students who

- would like to know more about the culture of the Low Countries (the Netherlands and Flanders) in addition to their other BA subjects.
- Would like to learn the Dutch language at a high level.
- Would like to work as a teacher and in addition to their MA Major they want to take the Minor course in Dutch Studies.


Description of the Programme 

The Dutch Studies Minor Programme has its major characteristics in common with the Major Programme. However, the theoretical and scientific parts are less extensive as in the Major Programme. One of the aims of the Dutch Studies Minor Programme is to enhance the student's knowledge of the Dutch language so that it can also be used in their major subject (e.g. by reading professional literature, using a scholarships, doing research in one's own field in Dutch).
The other aim is to learn basic cultural knowledge, and to prepare the student for the MA programme. Because the Minor cannot provide the same level of education as the Major subject, the Minor students must plan their own education, if they wish to continue in the MA subject.
The third objective of the Minor course is to give, in addition to the student's main course, a suitable Dutch language and (inter-)cultural knowledge that the student can use in the Hungarian or European labour market.


Current Information:

The registration period for the Minor subject of Dutch Studies:

a/ is released annually by the Department (around May-June). Please pay attention to the information board at the department.
b/ Date indicated in the study division.


Registering for the Minor subject of Dutch:

1. describe the reason for application in an e-mail (e-mail address below) or in person at the office of Janina Vesztergom
2.    Send a motivation letter in A4 format by e-mail or in person.
3.    Application via e-mail to Eszter Simonfi (simonfi.eszter[APENSTARTJE]


For more information:  Eszter Simonfi (simonfi.eszter[APENSTARTJE]

Dutch Studies at Eötvös University have been founded in the sixties. The Department of Dutch Studies (earlier called "Center for Netherlandic Studies") exists since 1992 and it belongs the Institute for Germanic Studies at Eötvös University The initial accent on language acquisition and linguistics changed and by now it is a subject with a full-fledged programme like any other modern philology. The chief assignment of the Department of Dutch Studies is to teach and research Dutch language, literature and culture. It embraces the language, literature and culture of two countries: the Netherlands and Flemish Belgium. Dutch Studies take five years, at the end of which students are expected to write a thesis and take their final exam.

Staff 2022 09 07

Staff (2022)

Since 2006 the BA program has been implemented. BA studies take three years. After having written a thesis and having taken a final exam at the end of the third year the student obtains a BA degree in Dutch language and literature.
Dutch Studies can be also studied as a minor subject.
The MA program - a study of two years - has been implemented since September 2009.

 Our Teachers' training program was also accredited in 2015.


The following subjects are given in the frame of the Dutch Studies Program:
  • language courses: speaking, writing, corresponding, translation
  • linguistics: history of the Dutch language, descriptive grammar, lexicology, lexicography, phonetics and phonology of Dutch
  • the history of literature of the Low Countries from the Middle Ages up to the present time
  • the culture of the Low Countries
  • the history of the Low Countries
  • the history of art in he Low Countries
  • didactics of teaching Dutch language

The staff of the department is doing research work as well. Dr. Erzsébet Mollay does research work on the theoretical aspects of lexicography. Dr. Judit Gera is doing comparative research in the field of Dutch art and literature. She is also engaged in cultural analysis. Dr. Krisztina Törő's special research field is the Belgian literature of immigration. Dr. Orsolya Réthelyi has written her dissertation on Mary of Hungary (1505-1558) and the queen’s court. She is presently working on the relation and literary production of the court and the towns in the early modern period. Dr. Orsolya Varga is  doing research in comparative history of translations. Drs. Roland Nagy is writing his thesis on Dutch phonetics.

Papers in Dutch Studies is a publication series published by the department. This is one of the fora where the staff is publishing its scientific results. Publications and translations are also published in literary and cultural periodicals and journals and also in book form.

Dutch literature is by now a course in the program of the PhD school for Literature at Eötvös University. The Department of Dutch Studies has got PhD students both in he field of modern literature and linguistics.

The Department of Dutch Studies runs an electronic mailing list called Dutchlist. Dutchlist is intended to facilitate person-to-person networking, exchange and dissemination of information for all who are interested in Dutch Studies, Flemish and Dutch cultural events in Hungary.


General Course Catalogue Dutch Studies Ba Programme from 2017
Code (BBN-) Course Title Term Type Lessons/week ECTS Prerequisite
NED11-101 Language practice 1. 1 Sem  8 7  
NED11-102 Language practice 2. 2 Sem  8 7 NED11-101
NED17-141 Cultural history of the Low Countries 1 Lect  2 4  
NED17-142 Academic skills 1.  2 Lect  2 4 NED11-101
NED-001 First proficiency examination 2 Exam 0 0 (NED11-102; NED11-302)
NED15-201 Language practice 3. 3 Sem  6 7 NED-001
NED15-202 Language practice 4. 4 Sem  6 7 NED15-201
NED15-203 Language practice 5. 5 Sem  3 5 NED15-202
NED-301 Basic Dutch grammar 1. 1 Sem  2 4  
NED11-302 Basic Dutch grammar 2. 2 Sem  2 4 (NED-301)
NED15-311 Modern Dutch grammar and phonology 3 Lect  2 5 NED-001
NED17-312 Introduction to Dutch linguistics 4 Lect  2 5 NED-001, (NED15-311)
NED17-401 Modern Dutch literature (lecture) 3 Lect  2 5 NED-001, (NED17-142), =NED17-402
NED17-402 Modern Dutch literature (seminar) 3 Sem  2 5 =NED17-401
NED17-411 Old Dutch literature (lecture) 4 Lect  2 5 NED17-142, =NED17-412
NED17-412 Old Dutch literature (seminar) 4 Sem  2 5 =NED17-411
NED17-501 Academic skills 2.  3 Sem  2 3 NED-001, NED17-142
NED17-502 Cultural and media studies 1. 4 Lect 2 3 NED15-201
NED17-503 Reading list for thesis 5 Lecton 2 4 NED15-202
NED17-601 Cultural and media studies 2. 5 Lect 2 5 NED15-202
NED17-602 Language practice 6. 6 Sem  3 4 NED15-203
NED17-603 Thesis seminar 6 Sem  2 4 (NED17-503)
NED15-701 Dictionary and vocabulary pracitce 3 Sem  2 5 NED-001
NED15-711 Translation practice 4 Sem  2 5 NED15-201
NED15-712 Comparative cultural studies 5 Sem  2 5 (NED15-202)
NED-720 Workshop: current issues in Dutch studies 5 Sem  2 5 (NED15-202)
NED17-722 Business Dutch 5-6 Sem  3 5 (NED15-203)
NED15-731 Specialisation course 1. 5-6 Sem  2 5 (NED15-202)
NED15-741 Specialisation course 2. 5-6 Sem  2 5 (NED15-202)
NED17-751 Specialisation course 3. 5-6 Sem  2 5 (NED15-202)
NED17-761 Specialisation course 4. 5-6 Sem  2 5 (NED15-202)
NED17-762 Language attitudes 5-6 Sem  2 5 (NED15-202)
NED17-SZD Thsis writing 6 Indiv. Work 0 4 (NED17-603)
  Final examination   Thesis 0 0 (Thesis)



Oktatók / Medewerkers

Gracza Krisztina

Gracza Krisztina

Doktoranda / Doctoranda / PhD student
Varga Orsolya

Varga Orsolya

Adjunktus / Universitair docent / Assistant Professor
Tóth Dóra

Tóth Dóra

Doktoranda / Doctoranda / PhD student
Marian van der Pluijm

Marian van der Pluijm

Lektor / lector / lector
Nagy Roland

Nagy Roland

Adjunktus / Universitair docent / Senior Lecturer
Martine Bijvoet

Martine Bijvoet

Nyelvtanár / Taaldocent / Language Teacher
Hargitai Lili

Hargitai Lili

Doktoranda / Doctoranda / PhD student
Rethelyi Orsolya

Rethelyi Orsolya

Tanszékvezető, habilitált docens / Vakgroepshoofd, universitair hoofddocent / Head of Department, Associate Professor
Gőcze Borbála

Gőcze Borbála

Doktoranda / Doctoranda / PhD student
Simonfi Eszter

Simonfi Eszter

Tanársegéd / Universitair docent / Assistant lecturer
Erős Levente

Erős Levente

Tanársegéd / Universitair docent / Assistant lecturer
Gera Judit

Gera Judit

Professzor emerita / Professor emerita / Professor emerita